Nitrogen narcosis
The nitrogen narcosis neuro psychological alteration is likely to occur in people who practice diving, the precise mechanism is still unclear, the science itself, knowing that this problem is caused by the sudden partial pressure and thus the concentration of nitrogen has not yet managed to establish parameters that enable to prevent its occurrence.
In studies, diving with a lower percentage of narcosis are those with a maximum depth of 20 m and with a lesser rate of descent less than 20 meters per minute. But the individual threshold varies from person to person and from situation to situation.
What are the causes narcosis ?
NATURAL CAUSES : fatigue and lack of rest - a diver is not tired or untrained controls breathing, and then get tired and need a better ventilation; alcohol - has an effect depressive effect on the nerve centers, and this adds to the narcotic nitrogen; some drugs.
PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES: physical discomfort, anxiety and stress .
CAUSES ENVIRONMENTAL AND OPERATIONAL : rate of descent - is an important causative factor; poor visibility - is constant if the predisposing, precipitating a sudden though, the lack or loss of reference points creates confusion ; work or effort - cause fatigue and bad breath, cold - predisposing factor if the medium and continuous, if triggering rapid and intense.
Symptoms of nitrogen narcosis are varied.
SYMPTOMS light and medium : mental lightness and euphoria, impaired muscular coordination, reduced dexterity, difficulty in reading the instruments, slowing of mental activity.
SEVERE SYMPTOMS: dizziness, numbness / tingling on face, lips, feet, exaggerated movements, confusion, inability to read the instruments, panic, hallucinations, inappropriate perception of time, amnesia, nausea, vomiting, vision tunnel, loss of consciousness.
Managing nitrogen narcosis?
the perception of symptoms, tell your buddy, slow down or stop any motor activity, control your breathing, fix an object and make arguments related to it. If they do not disappear or even worse call your buddy and go up until symptoms disappear. ALWAYS KEEP THE MERGER.
course PREVENTION is the best strategy: first dive should follow some precautions - do not dive when you are not in good physical and mental condition, do not use alcohol and drugs contraindicated.
During the dive: Do not dive alone, control the rate of descent, their level of fatigue, take care of your breathing, moving with a good trim, able to recognize and interpret the symptoms.