Friday, July 30, 2010

870 Super Mag For Sale

The other day I was reading a text of yoga to prepare for the evening .. as Pranayama ... I often flip through the book from the back pages and I come across this Indian story that captured me and I want to share with you!

"One day they gave you the various ways of Man conference. As with many meetings, they must first decide who should take over. Came forward to Vista and tried to get the job, creating stunning images that enraptured all, then by the taint, and created intense and persistent left all quivering in anticipation, but the taste was able to overcome it, with amazing flavors and delicious food from around the world. The hearing created exquisite harmonies that left everyone in tears The Corps physical sensations produced that left all in ecstasy and the mind dwells in the theories of intellectuals whose charm came from the depth and truth it expresses.
Then came forward the Breath, which was not even one of the senses! He said he wanted to be him to lead the conference. All that he could offer was the simple inspiration and expiration, not at all impressive compared to everything else. No one took any notice. The other way to start a heated debate about which of them would be chosen. Breath, disappointed, started to leave. The images then began to fade, tastes lost their tastes, the sounds faded. 'Wait,' they called him the assurance, 'come back! You can guide us. We need you '.
Breath came back and took his rightful place. "

Life begins with our first breath and ends after the last ... to improve our breath is to improve our lives.

... this is why we do yoga and Pranayama

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paty Manterola En Tetas

The Breath Apnea and breathing skier

After a while of silence the shaman returns with a new yoga exercise very simple: "Breathing skier .
From the name you would think that has nothing to do with diving and underwater, but it is an exercise that improves the expirations, makes the powerful breath and purify the respiratory tract, strengthens the heart.
also softens the shoulders and trunk muscles by venting the tensions in the muscles.
Design: look for the roots to the ground, knees slightly bent.
When inspired to bring your arms upwards. Exhale and push your arms down and back is bending his knees.
Inhale and return to the starting position.
Repeat 7 times keeping our eyes open. At the end of the seventh repetition bring down your arms and open eyes always perceive its own balance.
Perform another round of 7 "skiing"

Below is the link of the video ... the pictures are more clear than a thousand words!