Saturday, July 16, 2005
Mahabhrinraj Oil Benefits
thighs obviously the problem, which recurs regularly in the period between February and March is basically represented by cellulite.La cellulite, strictly speaking, should mean inflammation of cells, in effect, however, the morphological alteration, which is commonly called cellulite, it's just a sclerosis of the subcutaneous cellular membranes resulting in hypertrophy dell'adipocita. To be more precise, the hypodermic connective tissue cells, out of the cell membranes, which become sclerotic, holding the intracellular and interstitial fluid, which gradually makes the swell connective tissue cells. These, in turn, determine the phenomena of compression on the blood and lymph vessels and nerve endings, thereby undermining the circolazione.Esteticamente, the skin tissue, with underlying subcutaneous fat, presents large nodules, often painful to digital palpation, the patients with cellulitis are in the majority of false obese, who have only the appearance of obesity. This invades the connective tissue cells is not only fat but also substance water rich in toxic catabolites. A superficial examination they can be observed in all strains of district general and fat, but a closer examination, especially dermotattile, there is the team infiltrated and nodular tissue and the whole painful compression of the nerve endings. In these cases the sap flows lazily through the meshes of the connective tissue, the turnover has slowed, with considerable suffering cell and subsequent sclerosis of cell membranes, the osmotic phenomena are altered, the lymphatic channels are engorged to the laziness of wastewater movement, vasomotor activity is also compromised, and all the fat pad s'imbibisce, altering the morphology of the districts cellulite.Spesso affected by the excessive accumulation of cellulite causes of pains in some districts organic, which is easily exchanged for rheumatic pain or pain arising artritici.Sovente also be borne by the muscle and superficial fascia, subcutaneous tissue, into the sheaths muscle and tendon, the vascular system and connective nervoso.Qualche time also causes cellulite edema, in which the liquid extravasated is characterized by the absence of inflammatory cells, that characterize the infiltrators flogistici.Il 90% of women has, has had or will have it. However, as with all things, there are different degrees of intensity, and if you can say that the appearance of cellulite in women is normal, unlike the excess of cells is abnormal. When we study the areas where it accumulates in a woman, you realize that these are elected gynoid regions, namely those who are in relationship with women and femininity: the pelvis, buttocks, thighs. So the appearance of cellulite in women is a secondary sexual character of women, like the breast, for example. It 'true that the presence of cellulite is related to the female sex, and for several reasons, but the most obvious of which is the fact that the man has none. The most important issue is in fact able to establish that vague border and mobile, according to the women, which exists between cellulite and excess cellulite. The dictionary dates back to 1878 its first appearance, but it is only since 1925, and especially after the last war, that the problem has become important. Because you have very specific cellulite is a problem in recent years. It 's a problem, if one only analyzes aesthetic, episodic, linked to a civilization and a model of society. Our civilization has given rise, from about fifty years, a new physical beauty: the beautiful woman is young, slim and mostly thin. If the word cellulite is recent, the existence of cellulite on the contrary is ancient. The Venus Callipigia, carved 2000 years ago, still represents a model of aesthetics. However, the body of the woman who served as the model was not thin: her buttocks, her thighs, her life is abundant. Yet the literal translation of the name of this statue is beautiful buttocks from Venus: the buttocks and thighs were therefore considered beautiful in ancient times. Many paintings and sculptures by Titian, Rubens, Raphael, Botticelli, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Renoir are appreciated for the beauty of representing the female form. Yet the models were not thin and it is likely that even had a little 'of what today we call cellulite. Why, then, what is so frequently played and appreciated in painting or sculpture, and that we find so often in women, is not accepted as a normal female constitution, aesthetically pleasing? The answer is given by the study of the evolution of techniques and artistic means. Rubens, Ingres, Poussin are now in 1977, Bernard Buffet, Giacometti, Van Dongen. The cinema, photography, advertising, television, have enabled the development of a new aesthetic of the female body. The plaintiffs in the cinema, fashion mannequins, the models of advertising have taken the place of the Venus de Milo, Mona Lisa and Flemish peasants: they are all beautiful, young, but thin. This new orientation of the female figure has increased over the years in proportion to the gradual undressing the woman. If our grandmothers did not care for their cellulite, hidden under a number of skirts, the woman of 1925, short dress, she began to pose problems. That of 1965, miniskirt, has tried to solve them today's woman in blue jeans unisex can not accept the slightest bearing sgradevole.Uno the most obvious problems related to cellulite is the movement that, over the years may create significant trouble when it does not result in actual conditions. This is the aspect that we take care in particular, but at the same time, although almost always is the need of an aesthetic nature, we seek to understand the patient's need for a lifestyle diverso.Premettiamo always that we are not able to Miracles do not have hands tantomento a slicer, then the treatment will result if, with our work, the patient will do more exercise, better food hygiene cure, drink more water and diligently perform the tasks will be assigned at home. Typically we use in the treatment of cellulite-infrared, ultrasound, iontophoresis, but especially the circulatory and lymphatic drainage massage, or using a complex and efficient equipment or by using our hands.
circulatory massage
The second type of lymphatic drainage massage, which has primary importance in the treatment of cellulite and lymphatic drainage. This technique, developed by Vodder, a German doctor has developed mainly in France after the work of Mrs. Cool in Brussels. Our body is composed of 50% water, which is in two forms: water or delegated to the chemical molecules that make up living matter of our cells, or free water that circulates in the form of plasma in the blood vessels of lymph in the lymphatic vessels and bathes all the cells forming the interstitial fluids. All body cells are in contact with this liquid, derived from blood plasma, which serves as a liaison between the cell and the blood. All trading is carried through it, carrying the nutrients the cell recovers and its waste is both the messenger and the street sweeper. The interstitial fluid, which has a significant volume representing 15% of body weight, is renewed through the lymphatic circulation. When it is full of cellular waste products, are headed for the small vessels that drain lymph and becomes. The lymphatic vessels are most numerous in our body and especially in the dermis. Branch like blood vessels and ducts come together to form increasingly large flows that go toward your chest and throw himself into a vein in the chest so cava.La sap reaches the venous blood and suffer the same way depurazione.Sul lymphatic vessels exist Occasionally ganglia that can be compared somehow stations pompaggio.Una cell works well only if its waste is disposed of quickly and not clutter. Therefore, the lymph current will be fast and smooth. Now, the sap circulates slowly because it has no pump like the blood of the heart. Its flow from the periphery to the chest is only possible thanks to the contraction of muscles and between the diaphragm, which separates the abdomen from the chest and that is the most important pump linfatica.Durante deep breathing movements inspiratory (lower) and expiratory (elevation) of the diaphragm allows the abdominal and thoracic lymph vessels to move normalmente.Quando they are emptied, determine a point of sap from the vessels of the legs that are so drenati.I respiratory movements thus permit a good circulation of lymph in the legs. When this movement is delayed or slowed down, it produces an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tessuti.A level of the thighs and legs, the excess interstitial fluid in the dermis is to increase the substance superidratazione fondamentale.Il merely slowing the elimination of toxins and waste, and aggravates the process of cellular autointossicazione cellulite.Il lymphatic drainage, using the technique of Ledic, improves the flow of lymph in the lymphatic vessels and then to detoxify the tissues.
As mentioned before, finished our work in the strict sense, and absolutely no talk of engaging in diets, which are all too full of newspapers and magazines, but for which there are specialists in Nutrition and / or the Science of Nutrition , let's give our patients some tips to get a decent food hygiene. We assume that, if the reduction of fat from areas with cellulite is difficult to obtain with a diet, overeating may instead aggravate cellulite very easily and also associate with it a rapid increase in weight. Cellulite is often only the first stage of obesity being so vigilant always costituzione.Bisognerà their way of eating, and in any case, follow the principles of a healthy, balanced and well distributed throughout the day. There are three imperatives in the food control cellulite. Diet should be rich in protein and low in salt and water. The proteins are, by their constituent amino acids, the basic element of every cell of our body. Nothing can be manufactured without the protein. Unlike carbohydrates and lipids, proteins can not be manufactured by our cells. It is therefore essential that the power supply to our body the raw protein necessary for its life. Proteins are essential to the dermal fibroblast to produce the fibers of collagen and elastin. Are equally essential to the substance essential to balance its moisture. Since the balance and normal functioning of the dermal connective tissue is an essential anti-cellulitis treatment outcome, it is essential, therefore, a diet rich in protein. But the proteins produce heat; bring in equal quantities, the same number of calories of sugar. If you want to introduce a sufficient amounts of protein for an acceptable daily caloric intake, we must reduce the intake of sugars and fats. The proteins are provided by feeding meat, fish, eggs and cheese. It will be necessary, however, choose of lean meat, rich in protein and low in fat. For example, beef, horse, beef, poultry fat, and avoid fatty meats like mutton, pork, poultry fat. Similarly we must eliminate fatty fish: sardines, tuna, herring, anchovies, mackerel, salmon and monkfish. You should look for low-fat cheese with a fat content below 40%. The starchy foods, alcohol, bread, sweets, butter and sauces should be particularly limitati.E 'very important also the contribution of fresh fruits and vegetables, sources of vitamins and minerals.
Water should be taken in large amounts, at least 1 liter and a half of non-carbonated water per day, broken down, if possible, outside of pasti.Il human body contains water and salt solution in proportions well definite.Se you change the concentration of 'or salt water, the other of the two factors also alter its concentration to maintain constant proportions. So, if you drink plenty of water and a little salt, the water dilutes the blood, which, being less concentrated in salt, will have to go and pick up in the tissues. These are depletion of salt and to maintain the water-salt balance, in turn mobilize water. With this simple system, which is to drink a lot and a little salt, remove cellulite of salt and it will be forced to return even water. The treatment is completed teaching the patient motion exercises and breathing.
The expression lines are a cosmetic problem sometimes heard even at a young age are linked to the facial expressions and then repeat the contraction of muscles that determine the expressiveness of the face and are therefore also linked to mood and emotion of the subject. Wrinkles are characterized by their morphological expression decreased when the face relaxed and have as their elective offices perilabiali anatomical regions, and periocular frontali.Alcune behavioral habits (Stress, smoking, strong expression) may worsen the clinical aesthetic appearance sometimes the problem is so pronounced clinically, or is so extreme by the patient, who becomes a real psychological distress with all the problems that sociocomportamentali derivano.Molti they are the remedies that modern medicine offers aesthetics to correct this imperfection, for the particular is a field that is more about the dermatologist, plastic surgeon and aesthetic. We deal only to return to an optimal state muscle tissue and nervous, for areas of the face and collo.Per do this, as well as various types of massage, we use a very special technique that is based on a series of very light but effective electrical stimulation, the details of which, in addition to the usual parameters that affect the wave form, intensity and frequency of the pulse, is that the stimulus is taken directly through the hands, or rather fingers, and prevents elettrodi.Il program also includes a series of exercises to stimulate the facial expressions that make the patient in front of a mirror.
The expression lines are a cosmetic problem sometimes heard even at a young age are linked to the facial expressions and then repeat the contraction of muscles that determine the expressiveness of the face and are therefore also linked to mood and emotion of the subject. Wrinkles are characterized by their morphological expression decreased when the face relaxed and have as their elective offices perilabiali anatomical regions, and periocular frontali.Alcune behavioral habits (Stress, smoking, strong expression) may worsen the clinical aesthetic appearance sometimes the problem is so pronounced clinically, or is so extreme by the patient, who becomes a real psychological distress with all the problems that sociocomportamentali derivano.Molti they are the remedies that modern medicine offers aesthetics to correct this imperfection, for the particular is a field that is more about the dermatologist, plastic surgeon and aesthetic. We deal only to return to an optimal state muscle tissue and nervous, for areas of the face and collo.Per do this, as well as various types of massage, we use a very special technique that is based on a series of very light but effective electrical stimulation, the details of which, in addition to the usual parameters that affect the wave form, intensity and frequency of the pulse, is that the stimulus is taken directly through the hands, or rather fingers, and prevents elettrodi.Il program also includes a series of exercises to stimulate the facial expressions that make the patient in front of a mirror.
for all women is a symbol of seduction and femininity, besides maternità.Dall of 'adolescence until menopause has undergone many changes of shape and volume, especially during pregnancy and lactation, it is important to learn little tricks to keep it firm and well shaped. It must be said that the breasts bigger, much appreciated today, is more exposed to its own weight, and over the years, the force of gravity is responsible for the loss of tone and the subsequent relaxation. The incorrect behavior due to a sedentary life or too many hours sitting in the office in the wrong way, is a major cause of the change in the shape of the breast. Often I see young women with a breast rather than leaning with his back bent forward and back. If the shoulders are curved it is impossible for the breast, as both young and handsome, is the right place, as it will be trapped between his arms and leaning. When you assume awkward positions happens that the weight of the breast is almost entirely entrusted to the skin, that being in this particularly sensitive area, yields slowly, as if there's a good attitude and keep your back straight on the breast supports more major muscle pectoral and rhyme ranked higher. To teach this in our treatment of our patients also to correct the defects in posture, which with the passage of time are responsible for the decay of the breast, but also to the generalized pain schiena.Il breast itself is devoid of its musculature, but is held in place only by a narrow range of muscles and ligaments, along with the skin must support the weight of the mammary glands and adipose tissue. The elasticity and tone of these elements keep the breast in place, determining the height, stability and firmness. E 'on these two items you must base our action. The breast skin is very delicate and must be treated with special care: it is better to use mild soap to clean, but also a non-alcoholic tonic and firming creams and especially specific nutrients. A system that we recommend for toning and firming the breast is to alternate in the shower hot water jets to jets of cold water in order to create a small gym-based circulatory vasoconstriction and vasodilation, that may be useful to stimulate the circulation and muscle function cutanea.Per regard it is true that the breasts are not equipped yet for this and even more so it is essential that all support structures are in perfect condition, the suspensory ligaments must be strong and elastic to support the mass of the breast, or the force of gravity down the stretch and the breast falls, and special care should be paid to the pectoral muscles, which should be encouraged especially for this purpose the tono.A has developed a device that, through a series of small electrodes surrounding the breasts, sends electrical stimulation of the lightweight and comfortable, acting mainly on the tone of pettorali.Insieme to electrical stimulation teach the patient a series of exercises, mainly to the chest, keeping in mind that with these methods does not increase the breast size but improves, often dramatically, the tone and the trophic of the foundations upon which rest the breasts. And above all, to return to the original speech, we teach a series of proprioception exercises to learn how to correct the defects in posture.
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