Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bali Brazilian Wax Glow


La Russa, Alemanno, Maroni, Gasparri: all on us in Rome clashes they wanted their say.
Of the first I wrote in a previous post, now we speak of others. All have taken on the decisions of judges who have released part of the boys stopped, quite wrong. Already a politician try to influence the judges by putting difficulties in the correct balance between the powers is not desirable, but more shameful is their justicialism that is only good for others and never for the political class. For Dell'Utri, Cosentino, Berlusconi, Scajola, etc. Bertolaso. Instead lorsignori are always deployed in the part of trustees without blemish and without fear.
On the other hand it is ridiculous that those who have helped to smash the criminal justice system in this country to criticize the decisions of the judiciary, forgetting that a court applies the law. Since we are arrested uncensored, non c ' is a danger of destroying evidence, or there is the risk of recurrence of the offense, because a court should keep him in prison goes against the criminal proceedings that the legislature has put in his hand? Cambino the Criminal Code since they are the government and deemed necessary.

Alemanno said Al-Mena talks about 20 million damage (obviously exorbitant thrown at random) and called red zones, which is the best way to throw gasoline on the fire. Another of those who during his youth camaraderie had legal problems to launch Molotov cocktails, an unauthorized demonstration, aggravated assault and resistance to a public official who is now the champion of nonviolence.
Gasparri stands out amongst the smartest, proposing a fascist preventive arrest. A truly guaranteed. Did he exaggerate nell'anticostituzionalità fired more coarse that Maroni has called for the DASPO events. What's ahead? nominal ticket turnstiles and into the street? Signature to the police station when there is an event? And how do the police to recognize the violence in the midst of thousands of people? As will be called the measure? Daman? When will the Damin (No access to the Ministry) for people like Maroni, Italy will be a better country.


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