32 km, all one after another, and also came good: 2 hours and 36 minutes, an average of 4'53''. Certainly not a great time, but it is not to be thrown, while you have to put in an account of an underpass, flyover, and a 2 mega grew by almost 3 km and the inevitable pain in his right leg, which as I mentioned in my previous posts, almost no leaves me more wretched by the Treviso Marathon. However, feeling very good in terms of the estate, both in the head, both legs and the last km, I pulled a 4'24''.
The day began as usual: wake up at 6 am, drink a bit 'of milk, coffee, honey, biscuits 3 (Galbraith's) and a yogurt.
I "square" in front of the computer to read some mail and going with my mind I'm already on the road to grind km.
at 6.50 am ready, I go very slow and after 4 km, I still wake up at all, I'm with Linus the locomotive, we discuss the path to do, we choose a fast and certainly not so easy either, since the many climbs, but is at Panorama certainly spectacular. Right from the beginning, I sense that my partner in adventure is a great day, I see a lot "ingroppato" struggling to keep pace very mild, traveling at almost 5'00'', I really do not interest me much the pace, I wanted to make just 32 km. After almost 14 km we find a small but important particular, we are without water, neither of us had thought, fortunately for us, at 16th km there is a fountain, although the day was fresh, there was a lot of moisture, and in fact in the end, we sweated a lot.
I'm fine, but the leg begins to be felt, while my friend bad limps and can not keep my pace (4'40'') decided to slow down and continue with him until at least 25 km, but stops on the 23rd km. I do not want to leave him alone, because there are too many km even to the house, despite his insistence, I stay with him and walk for 500 meters. The crisis seems to finally be over, but my discomfort in the leg begins to be a real pain / agony, fortunately I have another session Tuesday by Mrs. massages.
Lino was restored and began to march with a good rhythm, my Garmin recorded a 4'44'', 4'40'' 4'38'', a nice progression and I must admit that were it not for the right leg, turned around really well. Arrived at the 29th km, Lino abandonment, he had arrived, while I have completed three gl'ultimi a bit 'tired, but with so much determination and good will to close the training.
I do not know how it will be Venice, my desire is to run the marathon without pain and enjoy the spectacle of people along the streets. I do not have specific time targets, what matters is feeling good and having fun run. Hello guys, long live the race.