For Honorary Degrees semi-illiterate, medals to those who died defending values \u200b\u200bmore or less shared Telegatti that gored the TV quality, in short everything is a celebration of something or someone.
premiums in the country could not miss a Blog Contest. We thought that black spot in recent years has created the MBA , ie Macchianera Blog Awards.
The nominations have been collected through the preferences of Internet users themselves, is now open during the actual voting that will determine the 2010 winners in various categories.
saddled hither LINK where you make your voting which I hope many. Oh, maybe you turn your time with your friends, the more voters will become more valuable and recognition, of course.
I write all this because it believes that this action essentially worthwhile and without ulterior motives though I crowned as the 2010 best blog thoughts cannibals Marco Goi . And many, many recommendations for the various Toads with mouths wide , Grace and her
But you could have it all and still give a good picture of Macchianera Italian blogosphere.
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