The 4 important things to prevent back pain are exercise, stretching, nutrition and hydration. It becomes important to keep the body fit and agile, especially in the middle - the lower back and abdominals.
For those who scuba diving most of the muscle pain occurs when you climb the ladder of the boat, the neutrally buoyant after strenuous dive. So the more you are in a more decrease the likelihood of injury.
Our advice is to stretch daily to stay loose and a little enhancement for the upper body. To all that is good to combine a bit of work to strengthen the abdominal muscles because they are often not the back muscles to cause problems but the weakness of the abdominal muscles. If your abs are weak, your back has to bear an added burden.
Now, some simple exercise to stretch and strengthen at the same time we use certain muscles during swimming.
The exercises that we propose can be done every morning before getting up.
Before getting out of bed, lie on your back and bend your legs, bringing your heels close to buttocks. Swing legs from side to side 5 to 10 times per side. This stabilizes the pelvis and stretches muscles of the ka.
Putting on his stomach to stretch the hip flexors (which always stretch when kicking): raise one leg stretching the hip and hold the position for ten seconds. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.
To get out of bed, turn on the side, put her legs off the bed and push with your arms until you are seated.
You can not say you do not have the time and place for them!
Prossimanente new exercises and return with a little Pranayama
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