Pranayama can be practiced in different positions: supine, standing, sitting.
The supine offers many advantages, the most important of which is the ability to completely relax the body. One disadvantage is that it does not really allow for a complete breathing because of pressure back on the floor, the limited mobility of the diaphragm and the tendency to fall asleep. This position is used especially to relax before and Pranayama exercises at the end of practice.
The standing has several advantages: the contact with the earth and the mind-polished and alert. The disadvantage is that because we practice yoga breathing with eyes closed, there is the possibility of losing balance. Also standing still for long periods causes fatigue and venous stagnation.
The sitting posture, but instead on a chair cross-legged on the ground is the best for practicing Pranayama and yoga breathing. Because the position is correct, the knees should be lower than the navel and thigh-torso angle should be at least 90 degrees, preferably a little more, so that the abdominal organs to be free and lumbar vertbre to remain well aligned with no effort.
Sitting cross-legged one has a stable and safe while you are lucid and alert. The rib cage has the possibility of maximum movement is expanding and as you exhale.
In the next post we will see what are the sitting positions: some are running extremely easy, others require a bit of physical training and preparation.
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