The case of fifteen killed and raped (all TG have remarked that this was the order of events) because his uncle is no exception as almost all acts of violence do not allows distinction or position statements that can be trimmed to a minimum although discussion. Gossip fans a lift.
- "have you heard of that poor girl?"
- "oh yes, poor thing .. that sucks, my uncle does not deserve anything. " point.
Yeah, point .. that never can be added?!?
But what happened in transmission "Chi l'ha visto?" and how it was managed in connection with the girl's family, with the 'announcement of the death and the arrest of his uncle live is another matter entirely.
the sacrosanct freedom of the press, always invoked, and often exceeded nothing to do with the show that has consumed the last week. The reading of the news agency that followed, close-ups insisted even before the stunned faces more upset not have any justification.
As heard Sciarelli contact the mother asked if she wanted to break the link or continue, a gesture to dismiss as insane if it were not for the tragedy of the moment.
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