Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Scuba diving and benefits dell'aerobica

Aerobic exercise has clear benefits underwater activity.
Meanwhile, after an aerobic workout there is a general feeling of well being, thanks to the release of endorphins, and the main aspect is the fact that we have improved performaces in water due to reduced consumption of mixtures, or to breathe ' increase in our time of apnea.
The ability to extend long effort depends on the maximal aerobic power of the individual, ie the maximum oxygen consumption that is related to the degree of training / fitness.
Another benefit of those who practice aerobic exercise is to eliminate as soon as the carbon dioxide that is the "waste" of our metabolic activities.
The training not only brings benefits to the respiratory tract but also in the cardiovascular system.

Doing aerobic activity 2-3 times a week we will have enormous benefits not only for diving but also in everyday life. The important thing is, however, also have a certain constancy in athletic training, beyond the type of training or activities chosen. Surely
swimming, running, cycling are aerobic activities for excellence - where you intend to aerobic exercise lasted for more than 15 minutes and not 80% ef oxygen consumption. There are several types of aerobic exercise fall into two broad categories: continuous and fractionated. The type of training should be chosen based on athletic background and the results to be obtained.
In addition to aerobic exercise is also important and the strength in the weight room to get a job as complete as possible on the body. At this
About a post in the link a while ago in which we are talking about this topic.

And if you are not yet convinced of the benefits of training for diving, here is a list of its benefits:
- decrease in mean arterial pressure
- reduction of total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol)
- increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol)
- decrease body fat
- strengthening the musculoskeletal
- improvement of cardio-vascular
- Increased tolerance stress.


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