I always had a high estimate of myself. Just to give an idea, if I were in a stadium with 80,000 spectators have the certainty of being one of the three with the higher IQ.
Some might confuse it with arrogance or worse for megalomania. I have always preferred to call it "consciousness of its own means."
A consciousness that this was manifested in its full extent for the first time in second grade when sciorinai an amen in the insidious multiplication table of 7 (full of odd numbers) to a teacher by the expression almost ecstatic impressed by such a show of strength of my qualities intellectual.
From there my life has been punctuated by an extraordinary, continuous string of confirmations: the first time as having passed the driving test, or simply remembering which way to unscrew the cap a jar is counterclockwise.
why I always believed that undergo a test that would confirm my super-intelligence, it was unnecessary. Not to mention that the certification of that superiority over 99% of the human race would have seemed to somebody tantinello in bad taste.
this up yesterday, when the end of a giornatina rather plump, bouncing here and there on the internet I happened on this site NIENTEANSIA . Because of the fact has come up there is not none of your business, I'd rather focus on the purported intelligence test: 33 questions to be answered in 15 minutes. Before starting with an introductory note states that the test does not measure intelligence but only a global measure IQ in relation to "mental alertness" and "logical thinking".
course of my overall intelligence, I was sure I had at least a partial confirmation of my above global capabilities.
But no: 60 . I scored a fucking to 60 final score! Basically, the test put me just above Gasparri but definitely less than an amoeba plagued by strong mental retardation.
There I was pretty bad, technically I just stayed there.
Then this morning, a cool head, I thought about it more and I gave the only logical explanation possible and respond to the test I had the sun in my eyes and I was slightly distracted.
Now, now if you'd like to try your hand well you recommend just two possessions: concentration and to verify that the sun has not yet set. So, in case of trouble to look away from the monitor and go blind. As an excuse is very valid.
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