Sunday, February 28, 2010

How Long Battery Trolling Last


In this post I want to propose a preparatory exercise to Pranayama: Utthita LOLASANA ( standing position swing ).

The position is upright and your feet are separated by about a meter. Before you begin you must search for the roots to the ground.
Lift arms up while keeping your elbows straight, bend your wrist forward so your hands hang freely.

bends forward swing, leaving the trunk from the hips, letting his arms and his head between his legs wobble.

Trying to be free of tension, like a rag doll.
oscillation upwards, lifting the torso parallel to the floor; oscillation down as much as possible bring your hands back over your feet.

After 5 complete oscillations return to an upright position with arms raised, then lower your arms sideways.

Repeat 5 times.

breathing: inspiration through the nose as you raise your arms and when you return to standing position. Exhale forcefully through your mouth with every swing downwards making sure that all the stale air is expelled from the lower lobes of the lungs.
While you swing upward slightly inspiration is only a slight reflex action, but the main objective is to completely empty the lungs downward oscillation.

asana practice is an excellent pre-pranayama as it opens all the alveoli and rebalances the exchange ventilation-perfusion in the lungs.
But here's the video ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Continuous Heartburn And

The ear of the diver Leonardo D'Imporzano

Today, the Hon. Mario Cavallaro presented at the hall of columns of the Chamber of Deputies on the book "The ear of the diver " by Leonardo D' Imporzano .

remember that Leonardo was the 2008 world record holder in free diving under ice and is very active and sports journalism.

also attended the book's editor, Stefano Gargiulo of IREC, Dr. Alfonso Bolognini, Director of the Hyperbaric Sassari, and Fabio Pajoncini Ottaviani, great depth of character many technical dives, which in 2004 set a record for immersion in self-contained to -202 m.

The book provides the information necessary to ensure that every diver knows the anatomy and physiology of your ear, the most common diseases, ways to prevent and cure them.
Grande Leo! Of course we expect the tribe a copy of the book with a dedication!