Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Mystery Snail Floating

Apnea: a fascinating world, a discipline that can become a way of life and can help eliminate fears and insecurities.
Every time we go into the pool and even more if we go to the sea we find our life energy, each time discovering new horizons, new inner resources and emotions.
We try to make the trip to get the benefits of apnea passing through five stages.
1) Standing water up to his shoulders, legs apart and slightly flexed. Close your eyes and resting his hand on her stomach. Inhale and concentrate on your breathing and where it is going your breath.
2) floating face down with the mouthpiece especially jaw and shoulders relax completely. Listen to the feelings that come from every part of your body, the beating of your heart as you hear the air going in and out rhythmically. In this way, increase your sensitivity to water.
3) Stand upside down, floating in a rubber tube in his neck. Close your eyes and try to remove the anxiety.
4) For the apnea conscious, standing in water with hands resting on the edge of the pool or if you are at sea on an inflatable pillow. Relax, take ten deep breaths and go down to the last breath with his head underwater. Stay immersed in relaxing surroundings.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Female Doctor Testing The Penis

Surrender The autogenic training in preparation for the year

The practice of Autogenic Training influence various functions related to autonomic nervous system such as respiration, blood circulation, metabolism. Also help alleviate the anxiety and emotional states leading to a greater degree of relaxation, wellness and balance. It allows you to combat stress, muscle tension and organic somatic (insomnia, sweating, tachycardia, etc.).

in sport can be a great help to combat anxiety and tension pre-race.

The core around which the Autogenic Training is the calm that was reached in 6 stages which progressively act on muscles, blood vessels, heart, breathing, abdominal organs and head.

The first two stages are crucial, while 4 others are complementary.

The first two exercises are that of gravity, which acts on muscle relaxation, and the heat acting on the expansion of peripheral blood vessels.

These two fundamental exercises are useful to achieve a high level of relaxation, intervening actively on mechanisms usually triggered automatically.

Autogenic Training has intrigued you?! If you want to prove we are ready!