Saturday, July 16, 2005

Caramel Highlights With Black Hair

treatments pre-and post-surgical beauty treatments

The increasing number of people engaged in recreational sports (just think of football, the footing, the white weeks) resulted in the fact that some injuries have become more widespread and not linked only to professional sports, among them the trauma normally treated as before and after any surgery, are the meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. More than ever in these situations is essential to work in close contact with the orthopedic surgeon.


are quite common in activities that involve rotations of ginocchio.Un sudden stop, a change of direction, a contrast with an opponent without synchronization between the movements of flexion-extension and rotation are the risk factors meniscale.La integrity meniscal lesion may be isolated or associated with other knee injuries, particularly capsular ligament, which the likelihood is the most common injury anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The lesions can be broadly divided into acute, if tied to a specific traumatic event, or degenerative diseases that are due to old injuries or repeated episodes microtraumatic. In the acute injury is almost always creates a block of joints, with payment endoarticolare in the case of chronic injury the symptoms are more nuanced and patient reports episodes of blocks, tenderness at the medial dell'emirima, sudden failure, click articolari.Soprattutto lesions acute treatment is surgical, but now a good arthroscopy performed under general anesthesia or peripheral, can be safely performed in day-hospital.I Recovery times depend on the type of intervention (treatment on the lateral meniscus require a rehabilitation times slower). In the immediate post-operative course is essential to the use of cryotherapy, along with isometrics and light electrical stimulation, especially the quadriceps. After a few days usually proceed to a partial load, it increases the intensity of electrical stimulation and set a good proprioceptive exercise program.
anterior cruciate ligament injury

Itraumi distortion of the knee has been constantly increasing in the various sports that involve an against knee. The anterior cruciate ligament injury alone or in combination with other joint structures is a possibility according to several epidemiological studies very often. In most cases, the injury occurs without contact or contrast, during a deceleration or a change in direction or a relapse of a salto.La natural history of ACL injury is well known and consists of a gradual destabilization articulate that through subsequent episodes of failure results in a more or less striking involvement of the menisci, cartilage and lining of the capsule-ligament peripheral components. The LCA consists of two quotas ligament, an anterior-medial tense in flexion and the other postero-lateral tight in extension, the tibial spines that are directed at the femoral insertion of the posterior medial condyle laterale.Nei acute trauma is essential to lock the joint, avoid the load using two crutches and to opt for a clinical diagnosis, whether it is of an isolated lesion of the ACL or in combination with other joint structures or devices. If the patient is usually an athlete already on the race, after a few minutes from the trauma, it is possible with sufficient reliability to assess the stability of the knee through the typical static and dynamic tests (Lachman, jerk), then it becomes more difficult for the onset of slip (hemarthrosis), the functional impairment and the contracture analgesic. In the chronic instability and insecurity, the continuous failures gestural especially during sports direct to the specialist in these cases the diagnosis may be easier and more easily be able to perform the evaluation tests. A determination by NMR instrumental definition also allows a significant amount of damage associate.Il treatment of injuries of the ACL surgery is, regardless of the sports offered by the patient as the joint, as mentioned, undergoes a progressive deterioration, especially if trauma occurs at a young age. Conversely, the same age, motivation and sports skills, weight, sex, represent factors considered for selection chirurgica.La an indication of the transplant to graft is one of the most debated from knee surgery, artificial ligaments, abandoned, not without its problems, levies tendon allografts, the use of autologous tendon samples (patellar, quadriceps, semitendinosus, gracilis duplicates) is now the best option available. The post-operative immobilization in a brace provides protective gear for three to four weeks, the immediate isometric muscle activity and the progressive load at the discretion of the patient. Iontophoresis, electrical stimulation and laser light accompany this phase. So the removal of the sutures is increased mobility joint, muscle activity is initiated in a closed kinetic chain, we increase the electrical stimulation and proprioceptive activities, the exercise bike and the pool. The next steps include the increase in muscle and proprioceptive activities, teaching the patient to walk properly and only after two or three months you can switch to a jog. The recovery depends very much on the sport motivation of the patient, but is not allowed on average before they are five or six mesi.Negli adolescents with ACL injury, practicing sports, it is generally advisable to perform surgical repair, being unable to control the instability joints and the potential degradation by enhancing muscle and knee functional until the end of growth. In patients no longer teenagers, who do not engage in professional sports, especially debilitating injuries that have not, recommend a good therapy and to resort to only when there are limitations in the normal social life.


Another postoperative rehabilitative intervention is required of us increasingly concerns female patients with an outcome of interventions seno.Riteniamo should make some anatomical and pathological conditions before tackling the problem, very delicate, of rehabilitation.
The breast
The mammary glands are derived from the skin to ingrowth of thin ducts that ramify in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The breast has a protrusion at its peak skin that nipple, surrounded by a zone of darker skin, called the areola. The breast receives arterial blood from branches of 'subclavian artery, axillary artery and intercostal arteries. The venous effluent drains into the veins omonime.I mammary lymph are schematically divided into three groups: a lateral group, a medial and a retromammario, which are covered by the axillary lymph nodes, internal mammary chain of lymph nodes and lymph nodes sopraclaveari.L 'body rests breast on the front of the chest. The skeletal support of the thorax is composed of the sternum, the ribs and 12 thoracic vertebrae. The muscles lining the chest are the pectoralis major and previously little deeper pettorale.Il surgical treatment in cases of breast cancer therapy involves demolition and conservative therapy depending on the circumstances and problems.

THERAPY demolition
simple mastectomy

nell'amputazione consists only of the breast without demolition plans and the underlying muscle without draining axillary lymph nodes.
Mastesctomia second Halsted radical
Involves removing the entire breast, small and large pectoral muscles and axillary lymph nodes of all

second Patey modified radical mastectomy
provides for the removal of the breast, axillary lymph node and the pectoralis minor muscle with preservation of pectoralis major. In recent years the procedure was further modified with the conservation of both muscles.

bilateral mastectomy
Because breast cancer can occur in both glands, even at different times, some women undergo surgery twice and are then forced to wear two hearing.


conservative surgery involves the removal of part of the organ.

This step removes a portion of the breast, in which context is the tumor, also including the skin and fascia of the pectoralis major. The removal of axillary lymph nodes, if necessary, can be done through the same incision or with another small incision in the axillary

lumpectomy involves the simple removal of the tumor, with or without removal of lymph nodes. These types of intervention are far less traumatic for the donna.L 'partial removal of Breast dramatically reduces the functional complications of the chest and arm, however, causing asymmetry of seni.Il aesthetic problem is easily solved by advising the woman to use partials.
We must say that fortunately in recent years reconstructive therapy is making good progress, because of 'lowering the age at which it is diagnosed and treated breast cancer, more often it is women who wish to undergo reconstructive therapy . It 'important that allow cancer to keep the skin and subcutaneous tissue to a depth of approximately 5 cm so as to ensure the blood supply. Reconstructive therapy can re-create the body using elements other than the mammary gland.
We talk about plant AutoGen myocutaneous flaps are used when the patient there are two systems that provide for the reconstruction of rotation or transfer of parts of the muscle and skin tissue from one part of the body:
musculocutaneous flap of the great dorsal

the rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap.
interventions with autologous tissue are indicated in cases of reconstruction of large breasts.

is defined HETEROGENEITY surgery that involves the use of implants. In this case we used different types of implants that are soft, compressible liquid or gel-filled, of various sizes. In a high percentage of cases, breast reconstruction with implants requires an adjustment of the breast controlaterale.Gli interventions that allow the use of implants, about the reconstruction of small to medium sized breasts.
When a breast is removed, the chest is altering its structure in relation to two important factors: the weight of the organ and the extension plans muscolari.La consequence of amputation surgery results in a change in weight between the two hemithorax. Where is the organ breast surviving the column is subjected to a greater work than the private party. This condition causes a defect in the time position of the column with relative problems with breathing, movement, and the onset of arthritis back pains, problems that get worse when the woman has one breast larger (ie heavier).

If we consider that in the female breast surgery can occur, in more or less short, osteoporosis and muscle hypotonus due to menopause, it is clear that the lack of the organ is no longer limited to only the aesthetic but becomes a clinical-care issue to be addressed along with other situazioni.L 'hypotonus osteoporosis and muscle, although well as other factors cause both a functional impairment of the chest, both weakening of bone structure, both reduction in support of the muscular wall.

edema of the upper limb, which can occur after radical mastectomy, is one of the complications that deserves to be remembered for the importance it assumes in the rehabilitation of donna.L 'edema caused by the difficulty of lymphatic drainage, resulting in the removal of axillary lymph stations and can get to pictures of elephantiasis of the limb. Lymphatic drainage improves gradually when you come to constitute the collateral circulation. To obtain a complete functional anatomy rehabilitation, must be taught the proper mobilization to the woman, from the earliest hours after the procedure the woman must mobilize arm and shoulder, gradually she will pan abduction and internal and external humeral rotation and movements of elevation and depression of the shoulder (it will be sufficient to teach a woman to touch the contralateral shoulder back several times to the starting position, as well as to touch the opposite side by passing the arm front and rear). In the state of rest of the upper limb rests on a pillow to encourage lymphatic drainage, is recommended to maintain a long arm to the left side . Then she will have to follow a program that may include physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage massage, and through the appropriate machinery, either manually or, if necessary will recommend an elastic bandage.
E 'extremely important to treat with care and sensitivity and possibly along with other qualified practitioners, the psychological aspect that comes from a new report that the woman must begin with his body modificato.E' important to highlight how delicate is the intervention of amputation of the breast, in whole or in part, for the reason that it has requested that the cosmetic change, sexual, social deriva.La woman that breast surgery is beginning to fight against a fierce enemy, sudden and fast: the cancer. The first concerns that affect a woman suffering from breast cancer are urgent about the prognosis, the surgery, after cytostatic therapy. The woman wants to eliminate as soon as the "enemy": the breast when she appeared on tumore.Dopo intervention comes awareness of amputation and a state of deep frustration takes hold of the woman: it is different from before, it was different from all other women, has lost the natural harmony in the delicate mechanism of communication about sex, there is no age that can be provided by these and other turbamenti.Subentra, in addition to depression, a sense of guilt that makes the woman angry for allowing his body is sick, for having allowed a cancer to have spread to your breasts, for having thus reduced to women more women. So there is a growing anger at themselves, which manifests itself in anger against herself, but sometimes also in the relationship with their loved ones, which can affect the relationships, altering the habits sociali.Per our part so we need to use together with rehabilitation techniques, is also very touch to defuse the situation and to motivate the patient to accept the new situation, however, and become essential subject of the rehabilitation program.


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