Still Know Osteopathy - Osteopathy Before
Before Still
Monday, February 21, 2011
Diagram Of Caravel Ship
Democedes Crotone
Of Democedes defined by the historian of Halicarnassus "medical profession, the most skilful in his art at that time, we know that he lived in the sixth century. BC, which was a restless wanderer, and highly sensitive to handsome profits.
still young, after yet another fight with the angry father, walked away from Crotone and settled on the island of Aegina, where practiced his profession for two years, gaining more than a talent. He later moved to Athens to earn an annual salary of 100 mines, until Polycrates, the tyrant of Samos, hired him in his court with the (fabulous for those times) annual fee of 2 talents. captured by the Persian satrap Oreta nell'agguato which marked the wretched and inglorious end of Polycrates, Democedes was enslaved. As luck would have Darius the king of Persia, dislocated his foot during a hunting trip and that he learned the skill of the slave medical Crotone, resorted to his care. Democedes perfectly cured the foot of the king, healed his wife, Queen Atossa, a tumor breast, and received as reward a huge amount of gold, a big house in Susa, a permanent place at the table of kings, an influential position in the royal court.
Alcmaeon - The pioneer of experimental medicine
Alcmaeon - The pioneer of experimental medicine
quite different moral and intellectual stature Alcmaeon was born in Crotone towards the end of the sixth, author of a work (on nature), which possess the incipit and a series of short quotations, but enough to give us an idea on its medical and scientific doctrines. was among the first to introduce the concept of indivisible synthesis between mind and body and practice the dissection of human bodies and animals to discover the causes of illness and the relationships between these and the outside world. Until then, this practice was strongly condemned by religious customs and the mentality of the time. E 'should also remember that before Alcmaeon medicine had a magical character-priestly fatal diseases were attributed to the influence of evil gods and the most common forms of therapy consisted of magical rites, purifications, spells, practiced by priests , magicians, and charlatans of all sorts.
Alcmaeon freed medicine from magic and quackery, and turned it into an experimental science, trying to develop an empirical method based solely on experience and reasoning. He said that man has no apparent certainties, but may only sensitive to speculate from the data and experience is the only principle of learning.
man among all other living beings is the only one to understand that the guiding principle of the human body is the brain, and that the disease originates in the environment.
Alcmaeon, therefore, free from superstition, animism, acting with perfect rationality in the face of nature, confident that the laws of nature are not above the possibility of human knowledge.
It does not therefore surprising that, starting from these theoretical premises, the doctor had discovered crotonate among other things the course of the cranial nerves, their function, their relationship with peripheral nerves, so as to arouse more than two millennia after the enthusiasm of a man with a reserved character such as the Italian neurologist Camillo Golgi, Nobel Prize for medicine in 1906. They were disciples of the Alcmaeon, therefore, free from superstition, animism, acting with perfect rationality in the face of nature, confident that the laws of nature are not above the possibility of human knowledge.
Alcmaeon Crotoniati Eurifone and Europhile, founders of the famous medical school of Cnidus, who in his work devoted to the study of particular interest.
was Eurodisco of Selymbria , a pupil of Eurifone, the teacher of Hippocrates of Como, a famous physician, under whose name we have been handed down about 130 writings dating back in part to the V, IV sec. BC In the dispute between the school of Cos and Cnidus you write the history of modern medicine, first saw the individual as an integral element and the second the disease as an intruder.
Source: was Eurodisco of Selymbria , a pupil of Eurifone, the teacher of Hippocrates of Como, a famous physician, under whose name we have been handed down about 130 writings dating back in part to the V, IV sec. BC In the dispute between the school of Cos and Cnidus you write the history of modern medicine, first saw the individual as an integral element and the second the disease as an intruder.
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