In the Italian case, the treatment with 80 per cent of cases.
Symptoms: Pain
generally unwell with fever, sometimes high;
Diarrhea and vomiting (especially in children);
chronic otitis media can occur with exacerbations accompanied by pain and purulent and foul-smelling discharge from the ear affection;
possible hearing loss.
- Following acute otitis media not treated properly, there may be a perforated ear drum, resulting in a leakage of secretions from the ear canal.
- most serious complications include:
- labyrinthitis, acute mastoiditis, hearing loss, meningitis, facial nerve paralysis.
osteopathic intervention free the Eustachian tube by avoiding the accumulation of liquid, draining the liquid, and thus the spread of viruses and bacteria, and consequent inflammation.
Interesting in this regard a case report
on osteopathic manipulation for eustachian tube dysfunction
, Millicent King Channell explained osteopath magazine
JAOA - The Journal of the American Osteopathic
Association in May 2008 and translated to the osteopath Fabiola Marelli Cres.
Bob Fulford, a leading professional in cranial osteopathy (since deceased), said that "the stagnation of middle ear fluid, resulting from decreased mobility craniosacral, is at the root of the problem. (... ) A gentle manipulation improves the craniosacral motion which, in turn, helps to drain the fluid from the middle ear. Osteopathic treatment considers the subject as a whole and therefore is not limited to local treatment of symptoms related to the area but search the normalization physiological and immunological functions so that the body can respond to subsequent attacks.
Measures to prevent otitis media in children
research conducted at the Community Paediatrics Committee, Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS), young children accustomed to prolonged pacifier-sucking, they would suffer middle ear infections several times.
According to studies, conducted mainly in children aged one year or less, the risk of acute otitis media would increase by about 25%, compared with those who do not use it. It 'possible that the mechanism of aspiration impede the functioning of the Eustachian tube.
Extend the time breastfeeding until at least 6 months
Breastfeeding strengthens the child's immune system. A search PubMed
, published in 2006 indicates that exclusive breastfeeding during the first four months of life, and up to six months as far as possible reduces the number of episodes of acute otitis media in children aged six months to two years.
FT Origo Daniel
Effectiveness manipulative therapy of cranio-sacral therapy in the treatment of otitis ricidivanti of the child. Source: Rehabilitation Science 1999; 3 (1).
Degenhardt BF, Kuchera ML. AT Still University of Health Science, Kirksville USA -
Evaluation and osteopathic manipulative treatment in reducing the morbidity of otitis media: a pilot study.
Source: J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2006 Jun; 106 (6) :327-34 Mills MV, Henley CE, Barnes LL, Carreiro JE, Degenhardt BF. -
The use of osteopathic manipulative therapy as an adjuvant treatment in children with recurrent acute otitis media . Source: Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003 Sep; 157 (9) :861-6
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