Friday, February 18, 2011

Ora-00911: Invalid Character When Select *

Still goes on TV. A "Things from Geo" has spoken of osteopathy for children

Osteopathy and children. This was discussed yesterday, Monday, Feb. 7, in the afternoon broadcast on Rai 3
Things from Geo , who hosted the Stephen Pompili osteopath to discuss pediatric osteopathy, osteopathic explaining the technique to be adopted on newborns before and after about 3-4 years old.
the center of the discourse, the notion that "the human being is one, from the connective tissue that connects every organ, muscle from the apartment to the bone muscle of the meninges and the nervous system as a whole. "
Stefano Pompili has clarified the important role osteopath from the early moments of a child's life, taking the example of France and England and many other countries of northern Europe, where - he explained - the osteopath is in the delivery room with the midwife. " A very clear and simple demonstration of how the osteopath can be helpful from the moment of birth "which - said Stefano Pompili - if long in its dynamic, bring the child to stress rather strong ". osteopath's role comes into play right now, as has been said in the last episode of
other things, would" assist in the dynamics of birth and then check the immediate if the expansion and contraction of the cranial bones, which are connected with the sacrum, is respecting the physiological rhythms.
When asked what was the conductor on osteopathic technique used for children, osteopath in the study said that after the prior "observation" of the child "since - has sottolibneato Pompili - an organic point of view the pediatrician has established the absence of disease, the osteopath proceeds to the processing of functional disorders, to alleviate, if any, tension to the spine or to assess the movement of the skull is good. " Wryneck, regurgitation, constipation, are just some of the problems of babies for which the osteopath can help. "The stiff neck, for example - said the osteopath Stephen Pompili - in most cases is caused by the crushing some nerves, especially one that comes out from the base of the skull. Osteopaths intervenes with a little pressure expansion of the suture that lies between the temporal bone and the bone occipital, to allow the best release of this nerve that goes to innervate the muscles of the neck and thus may give rise to this pain, with an immediate result. "
" The fabrics possess their own memory "and everything is imprinted. For This is important osteopathy for children, because they would structure prevents the malfunction. "A deviation of the cervix - the osteopath said host

Things from Geo - starting from the fundamental principle osteopathy that everything is connected, for example, can lead to an inclination of the column and, ultimately, could lead to a problem of scoliosis.


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