Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Here I am Return

"Here I am" as would say my dear friend Claudio (the professor) are back, after so many months and many kg more ... is about a month I started running again and two weeks to train properly. As already mentioned, despite the full attention and disclaimers, I put on 5 kg L. The right leg is still not ok, despite the stop of nearly two months, 20 days Tecar and laser therapy, the pain is gone, but it's still very "woody" tough ... well, it runs as I would like. However, I am very stretching after the race and frankly I feel the benefits.
I have already drafted a program for this year: January 23 I'll be at Montefortiana, for the marathon, the February 20th in Verona always the half, I still have to decide in March, and I'd really like to do the marathon in Treviso, but will be crucial in shape, if I'll be fine, well-trained and especially the leg will not give me any problems in the past few months, then m'iscriverò otherwise give up the long distance and concentrate on the 21,097 meters. The real goal, at least for now, is the marathon of the Doges April 10 to point to do a good time, under a 30''and then I'd really like to do 100 and the praise, in rolling course, I would do the third part, more congenial to my characteristics, the first part probably Claudio ... currently missing companion to the central part , the shortest, but also the hardest ... if anyone can affect.
Hello guys, good races at all, I hope that 2011 is a great year for you all, full of satisfaction and health ...


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