Monday, January 31, 2011

Credit Card Commercial Song Tuesday

How to fight the cold

Waiting for the water temperature but also the outer rise up, we take advantage to propose a post to dedidato COLD where we gave some advice on how to deal with winter releases.

In this post I will not talk about what type of wetsuit use, thickness, gloves, etc., etc. but we will see together on how to cope better with the cold food.

Often, we already know from the day before they go into the water, and then we start preparing our body already focusing on the previous day, particularly dinner, foods high in complex carbohydrates. So eat rice or pasta (not bad idea to use the whole grain flours). Why? Because sugars are our "fuel" for excellence and therefore we must prepare the stocks!

Before going into the water, however, we take the simple sugars and then eat jam, toast or biscuits without weighing it down with a heavy meals because we risk too much blood flow to the stomach at the expense of our performance and Our resistance to cold.

Exit of course we immediately change the water wearing warm clothing, even in stacks, and we will try to cover just the head that is one of the areas of greatest heat loss.
also very sweet drink of hot tea which has the dual purpose of rehydration and, thanks to sugar, to recover some energy.

exit into the sea at the next meal we eat a little bit of everything, giving priority to the protein component.


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